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- *if_tcl.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 03
- The Tcl Interface to Vim *tcl* *Tcl* *TCL*
- 1. Commands |tcl-ex-commands|
- 2. Tcl commands |tcl-commands|
- 3. Tcl variables |tcl-variables|
- 4. Tcl window commands |tcl-window-cmds|
- 5. Tcl buffer commands |tcl-buffer-cmds|
- 6. Miscellaneous; Output from Tcl |tcl-misc| |tcl-output|
- 7. Known bugs & problems |tcl-bugs|
- 8. Examples |tcl-examples|
- {Vi does not have any of these commands} *E280* *E281*
- The Tcl interface only works when Vim was compiled with the |+tcl| feature.
- WARNING: There are probably still some bugs. Please send bug reports,
- comments, ideas etc to <Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Commands *tcl-ex-commands*
- *:tcl* *:tc*
- :tc[l] {cmd} Execute Tcl command {cmd}.
- :[range]tc[l] << {endmarker}
- {script}
- {endmarker}
- Execute Tcl script {script}.
- {endmarker} must NOT be preceded by any white space. If {endmarker} is
- omitted from after the "<<", a dot '.' must be used after {script}, like for
- the |:append| and |:insert| commands.
- This form of the |:tcl| command is mainly useful for including tcl code in Vim
- scripts.
- Example: >
- function! DefineDate()
- tcl << EOF
- proc date {} {
- return [clock format [clock seconds]]
- }
- endfunction
- <
- *:tcldo* *:tcld*
- :[range]tcld[o] {cmd} Execute Tcl command {cmd} for each line in [range]
- with the variable "line" being set to the text of each
- line in turn, and "lnum" to the line number. Setting
- "line" will change the text, but note that it is not
- possible to add or delete lines using this command.
- If {cmd} returns an error, the command is interrupted.
- The default for [range] is the whole file: "1,$".
- See |tcl-var-line| and |tcl-var-lnum|. {not in Vi}
- *:tclfile* *:tclf*
- :tclf[ile] {file} Execute the Tcl script in {file}. This is the same as
- ":tcl source {file}", but allows file name completion.
- {not in Vi}
- Note that Tcl objects (like variables) persist from one command to the next,
- just as in the Tcl shell.
- Executing Tcl commands is not possible in the |sandbox|.
- ==============================================================================
- 2. Tcl commands *tcl-commands*
- Tcl code gets all of its access to vim via commands in the "::vim" namespace.
- The following commands are implemented: >
- ::vim::beep # Guess.
- ::vim::buffer {n} # Create Tcl command for one buffer.
- ::vim::buffer list # Create Tcl commands for all buffers.
- ::vim::command [-quiet] {cmd} # Execute an ex command.
- ::vim::expr {expr} # Use Vim's expression evaluator.
- ::vim::option {opt} # Get vim option.
- ::vim::option {opt} {val} # Set vim option.
- ::vim::window list # Create Tcl commands for all windows.
- Commands:
- ::vim::beep *tcl-beep*
- Honk. Does not return a result.
- ::vim::buffer {n} *tcl-buffer*
- ::vim::buffer exists {n}
- ::vim::buffer list
- Provides access to vim buffers. With an integer argument, creates a
- buffer command (see |tcl-buffer-cmds|) for the buffer with that
- number, and returns its name as the result. Invalid buffer numbers
- result in a standard Tcl error. To test for valid buffer numbers,
- vim's internal functions can be used: >
- set nbufs [::vim::expr bufnr("$")]
- set isvalid [::vim::expr "bufexists($n)"]
- < The "list" option creates a buffer command for each valid buffer, and
- returns a list of the command names as the result.
- Example: >
- set bufs [::vim::buffer list]
- foreach b $bufs { $b append end "The End!" }
- < The "exists" option checks if a buffer with the given number exists.
- Example: >
- if { [::vim::buffer exists $n] } { ::vim::command ":e #$n" }
- < This command might be replaced by a variable in future versions.
- See also |tcl-var-current| for the current buffer.
- ::vim::command {cmd} *tcl-command*
- ::vim::command -quiet {cmd}
- Execute the vim (ex-mode) command {cmd}. Any ex command that affects
- a buffer or window uses the current buffer/current window. Does not
- return a result other than a standard Tcl error code. After this
- command is completed, the "::vim::current" variable is updated.
- The "-quiet" flag suppresses any error messages from vim.
- Examples: >
- ::vim::command "set ts=8"
- ::vim::command "%s/foo/bar/g"
- < To execute normal-mode commands, use "normal" (see |:normal|): >
- set cmd "jj"
- ::vim::command "normal $cmd"
- < See also |tcl-window-command| and |tcl-buffer-command|.
- ::vim::expr {expr} *tcl-expr*
- Evaluates the expression {expr} using vim's internal expression
- evaluator (see |expression|). Any expression that queries a buffer
- or window property uses the current buffer/current window. Returns
- the result as a string.
- Examples: >
- set perl_available [::vim::expr has("perl")]
- < See also |tcl-window-expr| and |tcl-buffer-expr|.
- ::vim::option {opt} *tcl-option*
- ::vim::option {opt} {value}
- Without second argument, queries the value of a vim option. With this
- argument, sets the vim option to {value}, and returns the previous
- value as the result. Any options that are marked as 'local to buffer'
- or 'local to window' affect the current buffer/current window. The
- global value is not changed, use the ":set" command for that. For
- boolean options, {value} should be "0" or "1", or any of the keywords
- "on", "off" or "toggle". See |option-summary| for a list of options.
- Example: >
- ::vim::option ts 8
- < See also |tcl-window-option| and |tcl-buffer-option|.
- ::vim::window {option} *tcl-window*
- Provides access to vim windows. Currently only the "list" option is
- implemented. This creates a window command (see |tcl-window-cmds|) for
- each window, and returns a list of the command names as the result.
- Example: >
- set wins [::vim::window list]
- foreach w $wins { $w height 4 }
- < This command might be replaced by a variable in future versions.
- See also |tcl-var-current| for the current window.
- ==============================================================================
- 3. Tcl variables *tcl-variables*
- The ::vim namespace contains a few variables. These are created when the Tcl
- interpreter is called from vim and set to current values. >
- ::vim::current # array containing "current" objects
- ::vim::lbase # number of first line
- ::vim::range # array containing current range numbers
- line # current line as a string (:tcldo only)
- lnum # current line number (:tcldo only)
- Variables:
- ::vim::current *tcl-var-current*
- This is an array providing access to various "current" objects
- available in vim. The contents of this array are updated after
- "::vim::command" is called, as this might change vim's current
- settings (e.g., by deleting the current buffer).
- The "buffer" element contains the name of the buffer command for the
- current buffer. This can be used directly to invoke buffer commands
- (see |tcl-buffer-cmds|). This element is read-only.
- Example: >
- $::vim::current(buffer) insert begin "Hello world"
- < The "window" element contains the name of the window command for the
- current window. This can be used directly to invoke window commands
- (see |tcl-window-cmds|). This element is read-only.
- Example: >
- $::vim::current(window) height 10
- <
- ::vim::lbase *tcl-var-lbase*
- This variable controls how Tcl treats line numbers. If it is set to
- '1', then lines and columns start at 1. This way, line numbers from
- Tcl commands and vim expressions are compatible. If this variable is
- set to '0', then line numbers and columns start at 0 in Tcl. This is
- useful if you want to treat a buffer as a Tcl list or a line as a Tcl
- string and use standard Tcl commands that return an index ("lsort" or
- "string first", for example). The default value is '1'. Currently,
- any non-zero values is treated as '1', but your scripts should not
- rely on this. See also |tcl-linenumbers|.
- ::vim::range *tcl-var-range*
- This is an array with three elements, "start", "begin" end "end". It
- contains the line numbers of the start and end row of the current
- range. "begin" is the same as "start". This variable is read-only.
- See |tcl-examples|.
- line *tcl-var-line*
- lnum *tcl-var-lnum*
- These global variables are only available if the ":tcldo" ex command
- is being executed. They contain the text and line number of the
- current line. When the Tcl command invoked by ":tcldo" is completed,
- the current line is set to the contents of the "line" variable, unless
- the variable was unset by the Tcl command. The "lnum" variable is
- read-only. These variables are not in the "::vim" namespace so they
- can be used in ":tcldo" without much typing (this might be changed in
- future versions). See also |tcl-linenumbers|.
- ==============================================================================
- 4. Tcl window commands *tcl-window-cmds*
- Window commands represent vim windows. They are created by several commands:
- ::vim::window list |tcl-window|
- "windows" option of a buffer command |tcl-buffer-windows|
- The ::vim::current(window) variable contains the name of the window command
- for the current window. A window command is automatically deleted when the
- corresponding vim window is closed.
- Lets assume the name of the window command is stored in the Tcl variable "win",
- i.e. "$win" calls the command. The following options are available: >
- $win buffer # Create Tcl command for window's buffer.
- $win command {cmd} # Execute ex command in windows context.
- $win cursor # Get current cursor position.
- $win cursor {var} # Set cursor position from array variable.
- $win cursor {row} {col} # Set cursor position.
- $win delcmd {cmd} # Call Tcl command when window is closed.
- $win expr {expr} # Evaluate vim expression in windows context.
- $win height # Report the window's height.
- $win height {n} # Set the window's height.
- $win option {opt} [val] # Get/Set vim option in windows context.
- Options:
- $win buffer *tcl-window-buffer*
- Creates a Tcl command for the window's buffer, and returns its name as
- the result. The name should be stored in a variable: >
- set buf [$win buffer]
- < $buf is now a valid Tcl command. See |tcl-buffer-cmds| for the
- available options.
- $win cursor *tcl-window-cursor*
- $win cursor {var}
- $win cursor {row} {col}
- Without argument, reports the current cursor position as a string.
- This can be converted to a Tcl array variable: >
- array set here [$win cursor]
- < "here(row)" and "here(column)" now contain the cursor position.
- With a single argument, the argument is interpreted as the name of a
- Tcl array variable, which must contain two elements "row" and "column".
- These are used to set the cursor to the new position: >
- $win cursor here ;# not $here !
- < With two arguments, sets the cursor to the specified row and colum: >
- $win cursor $here(row) $here(column)
- < Invalid positions result in a standard Tcl error, which can be caught
- with "catch". The row and column values depend on the "::vim::lbase"
- variable. See |tcl-var-lbase|.
- $win delcmd {cmd} *tcl-window-delcmd*
- Registers the Tcl command {cmd} as a deletion callback for the window.
- This command is executed (in the global scope) just before the window
- is closed. Complex commands should be build with "list": >
- $win delcmd [list puts vimerr "window deleted"]
- < See also |tcl-buffer-delcmd|.
- $win height *tcl-window-height*
- $win height {n}
- Without argument, reports the window's current height. With an
- argument, tries to set the window's height to {n}, then reports the
- new height (which might be different from {n}).
- $win command [-quiet] {cmd} *tcl-window-command*
- $win expr {expr} *tcl-window-expr*
- $win option {opt} [val] *tcl-window-option*
- These are similar to "::vim::command" etc., except that everything is
- done in the context of the window represented by $win, instead of the
- current window. For example, setting an option that is marked 'local
- to window' affects the window $win. Anything that affects or queries
- a buffer uses the buffer displayed in this window (i.e. the buffer
- that is represented by "$win buffer"). See |tcl-command|, |tcl-expr|
- and |tcl-option| for more information.
- Example: >
- $win option number on
- ==============================================================================
- 5. Tcl buffer commands *tcl-buffer-cmds*
- Buffer commands represent vim buffers. They are created by several commands:
- ::vim::buffer {N} |tcl-buffer|
- ::vim::buffer list |tcl-buffer|
- "buffer" option of a window command |tcl-window-buffer|
- The ::vim::current(buffer) variable contains the name of the buffer command
- for the current buffer. A buffer command is automatically deleted when the
- corresponding vim buffer is destroyed. Whenever the buffer's contents are
- changed, all marks in the buffer are automatically adjusted. Any changes to
- the buffer's contents made by Tcl commands can be undone with the "undo" vim
- command (see |undo|).
- Lets assume the name of the buffer command is stored in the Tcl variable "buf",
- i.e. "$buf" calls the command. The following options are available: >
- $buf append {n} {str} # Append a line to buffer, after line {n}.
- $buf command {cmd} # Execute ex command in buffers context.
- $buf count # Report number of lines in buffer.
- $buf delcmd {cmd} # Call Tcl command when buffer is deleted.
- $buf delete {n} # Delete a single line.
- $buf delete {n} {m} # Delete several lines.
- $buf expr {expr} # Evaluate vim expression in buffers context.
- $buf get {n} # Get a single line as a string.
- $buf get {n} {m} # Get several lines as a list.
- $buf insert {n} {str} # Insert a line in buffer, as line {n}.
- $buf last # Report line number of last line in buffer.
- $buf mark {mark} # Report position of buffer mark.
- $buf name # Report name of file in buffer.
- $buf number # Report number of this buffer.
- $buf option {opt} [val] # Get/Set vim option in buffers context.
- $buf set {n} {text} # Replace a single line.
- $buf set {n} {m} {list} # Replace several lines.
- $buf windows # Create Tcl commands for buffer's windows.
- <
- *tcl-linenumbers*
- Most buffer commands take line numbers as arguments. How Tcl treats these
- numbers depends on the "::vim::lbase" variable (see |tcl-var-lbase|). Instead
- of line numbers, several keywords can be also used: "top", "start", "begin",
- "first", "bottom", "end" and "last".
- Options:
- $buf append {n} {str} *tcl-buffer-append*
- $buf insert {n} {str} *tcl-buffer-insert*
- Add a line to the buffer. With the "insert" option, the string
- becomes the new line {n}, with "append" it is inserted after line {n}.
- Example: >
- $buf insert top "This is the beginning."
- $buf append end "This is the end."
- < To add a list of lines to the buffer, use a loop: >
- foreach line $list { $buf append $num $line ; incr num }
- <
- $buf count *tcl-buffer-count*
- Reports the total number of lines in the buffer.
- $buf delcmd {cmd} *tcl-buffer-delcmd*
- Registers the Tcl command {cmd} as a deletion callback for the buffer.
- This command is executed (in the global scope) just before the buffer
- is deleted. Complex commands should be build with "list": >
- $buf delcmd [list puts vimerr "buffer [$buf number] gone"]
- < See also |tcl-window-delcmd|.
- $buf delete {n} *tcl-buffer-delete*
- $buf delete {n} {m}
- Deletes line {n} or lines {n} through {m} from the buffer.
- This example deletes everything except the last line: >
- $buf delete first [expr [$buf last] - 1]
- <
- $buf get {n} *tcl-buffer-get*
- $buf get {n} {m}
- Gets one or more lines from the buffer. For a single line, the result
- is a string; for several lines, a list of strings.
- Example: >
- set topline [$buf get top]
- <
- $buf last *tcl-buffer-last*
- Reports the line number of the last line. This value depends on the
- "::vim::lbase" variable. See |tcl-var-lbase|.
- $buf mark {mark} *tcl-buffer-mark*
- Reports the position of the named mark as a string, similar to the
- cursor position of the "cursor" option of a window command (see
- |tcl-window-cursor|). This can be converted to a Tcl array variable: >
- array set mpos [$buf mark "a"]
- < "mpos(column)" and "mpos(row)" now contain the position of the mark.
- If the mark is not set, a standard Tcl error results.
- $buf name
- Reports the name of the file in the buffer. For a buffer without a
- file, this is an empty string.
- $buf number
- Reports the number of this buffer. See |:buffers|.
- This example deletes a buffer from vim: >
- ::vim::command "bdelete [$buf number]"
- <
- $buf set {n} {string} *tcl-buffer-set*
- $buf set {n} {m} {list}
- Replace one or several lines in the buffer. If the list contains more
- elements than there are lines to replace, they are inserted into the
- buffer. If the list contains fewer elements, any unreplaced line is
- deleted from the buffer.
- $buf windows *tcl-buffer-windows*
- Creates a window command for each window that displays this buffer, and
- returns a list of the command names as the result.
- Example: >
- set winlist [$buf windows]
- foreach win $winlist { $win height 4 }
- < See |tcl-window-cmds| for the available options.
- $buf command [-quiet] {cmd} *tcl-buffer-command*
- $buf expr {exr} *tcl-buffer-expr*
- $buf option {opt} [val] *tcl-buffer-option*
- These are similar to "::vim::command" etc., except that everything is
- done in the context of the buffer represented by $buf, instead of the
- current buffer. For example, setting an option that is marked 'local
- to buffer' affects the buffer $buf. Anything that affects or queries
- a window uses the first window in vim's window list that displays this
- buffer (i.e. the first entry in the list returned by "$buf windows").
- See |tcl-command|, |tcl-expr| and |tcl-option| for more information.
- Example: >
- if { [$buf option modified] } { $buf command "w" }
- ==============================================================================
- 6. Miscellaneous; Output from Tcl *tcl-misc* *tcl-output*
- The standard Tcl commands "exit" and "catch" are replaced by custom versions.
- "exit" terminates the current Tcl script and returns to vim, which deletes the
- Tcl interpreter. Another call to ":tcl" then creates a new Tcl interpreter.
- "exit" does NOT terminate vim! "catch" works as before, except that it does
- not prevent script termination from "exit". An exit code != 0 causes the ex
- command that invoked the Tcl script to return an error.
- Two new I/O streams are available in Tcl, "vimout" and "vimerr". All output
- directed to them is displayed in the vim message area, as information messages
- and error messages, respectively. The standard Tcl output streams stdout and
- stderr are mapped to vimout and vimerr, so that a normal "puts" command can be
- used to display messages in vim.
- ==============================================================================
- 7. Known bugs & problems *tcl-bugs*
- Calling one of the Tcl ex commands from inside Tcl (via "::vim::command") may
- have unexpected side effects. The command creates a new interpreter, which
- has the same abilities as the standard interpreter - making "::vim::command"
- available in a safe child interpreter therefore makes the child unsafe. (It
- would be trivial to block nested :tcl* calls or ensure that such calls from a
- safe interpreter create only new safe interpreters, but quite pointless -
- depending on vim's configuration, "::vim::command" may execute arbitrary code
- in any number of other scripting languages.) A call to "exit" within this new
- interpreter does not affect the old interpreter; it only terminates the new
- interpreter, then script processing continues normally in the old interpreter.
- Input from stdin is currently not supported.
- ==============================================================================
- 8. Examples: *tcl-examples*
- Here are a few small (and maybe useful) Tcl scripts.
- This script sorts the lines of the entire buffer (assume it contains a list
- of names or something similar):
- set buf $::vim::current(buffer)
- set lines [$buf get top bottom]
- set lines [lsort -dictionary $lines]
- $buf set top bottom $lines
- This script reverses the lines in the buffer. Note the use of "::vim::lbase"
- and "$buf last" to work with any line number setting.
- set buf $::vim::current(buffer)
- set t $::vim::lbase
- set b [$buf last]
- while { $t < $b } {
- set tl [$buf get $t]
- set bl [$buf get $b]
- $buf set $t $bl
- $buf set $b $tl
- incr t
- incr b -1
- }
- This script adds a consecutive number to each line in the current range:
- set buf $::vim::current(buffer)
- set i $::vim::range(start)
- set n 1
- while { $i <= $::vim::range(end) } {
- set line [$buf get $i]
- $buf set $i "$n\t$line"
- incr i ; incr n
- }
- The same can also be done quickly with two ex commands, using ":tcldo":
- :tcl set n 1
- :[range]tcldo set line "$n\t$line" ; incr n
- This procedure runs an ex command on each buffer (idea stolen from Ron Aaron):
- proc eachbuf { cmd } {
- foreach b [::vim::buffer list] {
- $b command $cmd
- }
- }
- Use it like this:
- :tcl eachbuf %s/foo/bar/g
- Be careful with Tcl's string and backslash substitution, tough. If in doubt,
- surround the ex command with curly braces.
- If you want to add some Tcl procedures permanently to vim, just place them in
- a file (e.g. "~/.vimrc.tcl" on Unix machines), and add these lines to your
- startup file (usually "~/.vimrc" on Unix):
- if has("tcl")
- tclfile ~/.vimrc.tcl
- endif
- ==============================================================================
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: